It's been proven to me many times over that it is indeed a very small world. And it happened again today.
My favorite story from the past involves my parents and one of my best college girlfriend's, Justine. It goes something like this....Justine is one year older than me, and we are in the same sorority in college (DZ!) and dating football players who happen to be roommates. J and I sign up to be the social chairs of Foxfield (a classic UVa event that involves an open field, a steeplechase horse race, 10,000 college kids and LOTS of alcohol) for our sorority. While setting up, we are chatting and get to know each other better. We learn that our parents all graduated from the University of Connecticut, and both our Dads played basketball there.
Well, being similar in age, we figured they had to have known each other! I called home and asked my dad if he remembered the name Joe Granski, which he vaguely did. Justine called home, and since her Dad was traveling, asked her mom if the name Ron Ritter meant anything to her. A long pause ensued, and then Justine heard "How do you know that name? I wore his gold basketball around my neck for 8 months and he broke my heart!!" Yep, my dad - the ladykiller - dated the mom of the gal who ended up being on of my very best friends. (Indeed, I had the privilege of serving as her maid of honor.) Our parents are friends now, and we enjoy reuniting every fall at UVa football games.
Anyway, while not as cool as that story, I did have a "small world" experience tonight. As I may have mentioned at least 62 times, I LOVE Mexican food. At home, I ate it at least 2x a week. Sydney doesn't have much Mexican food joints, and the one I have tried is....well, AWFUL! I have been craving a quesadilla and margarita like I can't even describe. I was exploting my 'hood a bit tonight, and happened upon a cute little MExican joint playing rock 'n roll and displaying fresh ingredients. Hmm, looks promising, Caro. I enter, order a quesadilla, and the gentleman behind the counter says "ha, I recognize that accent. American, eh?" Well, I get that all the time so I just say "yep, yep. And 1 margarita please, stat."
Turns out, the dude chatting with me is the owner and hails from just up the road from me in DC - Rockville, MD. He treated me to the margarita and the quesadilla was good! We chatted about restaurants in DC and what brought us to Australia. He was here working with restaurants and nightclubs, and hated that there was no equivalent to Lauriol Plaza (iconic, worshipped Mexican restaurant in DC) here, so opened a place of his own. Great guy (he's called Bill) and I am sure I am will be back. Nice reminder of home, and very good Mexican food!
Yummy quesadilla and a delicious margarita. Oh how I have missed you. |
Also, while walking around Sydney today (after spending 4 hours at the office..sigh) I ran into friends not once but twice. The city is starting to feel smaller and not completely full of strangers.
I am off to the Taste of Manly Beach tomorrow (I actually hear there is a good Mexican restaurant there) and then to watch a game of footie. (I think "soccer" b/c it involves lots of Brits but we shall see...could be one of at least 3 sports really.)
Until next time....xoxo