Monday, March 21, 2011

I am here (I think)!

After over 24 hours of travel, I finally landed safely in Sydney.  My adventure is beginning! I'll admit...I was in tears when I landed and wondered what the heck I had gotten myself into. But after settling in a bit, skyping with my parents and Fletcher, and showering, I felt better and was ready to explore and get my bearings. I hit the bank to finish opening my account, found an iced latte joint (critical move), and located the office. So, I am off and running!

Now, I must warn you. You will hear me talk about my dog, Fletcher, a lot. He is my furry son, and because of him, I have become "one of those people". I am officially obsessed with him. But with reason - he's pretty awesome. My parents are so great and are keeping him for me while I am away. And yes, I even made them sign a contract promising to give him back when I return!! Anyway, he hasn't forgotten yet, and totally recognized me and my voice on Skype tonight. It made my day.

Thanks again Mom and Dad for watching my boo boo and for all your support. Thanks to Tammy for setting the blog up for me and spending time with me before I left. Thanks to Patrick for his support and company. Thanks to all my friends and family who wished me bon voyage! I miss you all.


1 comment:

  1. Yay!! You made it! I can't wait to hear all the details :) Just saved your blog to my favorites! Good luck getting settled in and finding the perfect apartment in Sydney! xoxo - Cat
