Sunday, July 3, 2011

Coogee! Bondi! Lucky!

WOW! This past week was insane. I knew since I arrived that this would be THE week at work. You see, Q4 (October thru December) is always busy in my business because it's when most corporations and businesses have their FYE (fiscal year end) and do a fair amount of spending. In Australia, 90% of companies have their FYE in June; as such, it's a time when we transact ALOT of business and essentially it can make or break our year in this region. All I can say is that my team delivered, big time. I am so proud of what they accomplished that I was brought to tears trying to express that pride in a meeting with the whole office on 30 June. Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED by the time the weekend rolled around and was due alot of sleep.

My colleague (Muzza) rightfully pointed out that I should try to have some fun over the weekend. Ok, fair enough. Given the weather was supposed to be 75F+ all weekend (again, this is considered the 'dead' of winter!!), he suggested I experience the "best day in Sydney" (i.e., the Coogee to Bondi coastal walk). The walk is 6km of pure beauty. I walked along the literal edge of the coastline of this magnificent and strange island on which I live; I climbed cliffs, hopped across mollusk-covered rocks the size of cars, put my feet in the chilly Pacific Ocean water, watched whales migrate north for the winter and took in the sea air. We walked from Coogee Beach through Gordons Bay and Covelly to Tamarama, Bronte and Bondi beaches. HEAVEN on Earth. Anyone who visits me will see this. Prepare yourself.
Boats at Gordons Bay 
Cliffs over the great Pacific Ocean
Bronte Beach's ice cream shop
Must be heaven
A look back into Covelly and Tamarama
Sitting cliffside....the water is unreal

We ended our walk at sunset by meeting Tyler and Amanda at the Bondi RSL for a beer. At 6:00 PM every day, they dim the lights, have everyone stand for a moment of silence and then say all together "lest we not forget" to honor the Aussie military. Very fitting way for me to honor the US military for the July 4th weekend. It gave me chills.
Sunset from the Bondi RSL, view over Bondi Beach

Next time I have a bad day, I will take that beautiful walk again. And I will appreciate every second.

Today I ran errands and began the countdown (by the hour...115 to go) until I fly home on FridayI ended the day with Tyler for a mani/pedi and then a glass of vino on friends' JD and Jen's patio for a beautiful sunset view of the Harbour. 
Sunset view from JD and Jennifer's patio tonight
Until next time...xoxo

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