Friday, April 29, 2011

And life keeps getting more interesting....

I have found myself receiving really kind emails from friends and family with recommendations of people I should meet who either live here in Sydney or are traveling through. So now I jump at every chance to meet up with a friend of a friend or a cousin twice removed. I think it makes me feel closer to my friends and family given that I spend most days amongst a sea of strangers and new faces.

Yesterday, after a long night of delayed flights, a restless red eye, an almost missed connection in Brisbane and then a full day at the office, I was exhausted by the time evening rolled around.  And normally, all I would do is head home to sleep. But a good friend of P's has been in town and last night was his final night here, so I happily made plans to meet for a drink or two. Christopher is a great guy - easygoing, fun and really interesting. He is a talented musician and lives in LA. He also happens to tour with Ben Harper, a very talented singer-songwriter in his own right.  Much to my surprise, when Chris walked up to me at the Customs House, Ben was with him!

The three of us sat down at a lovely table at Cafe Sydney with a gorgeous view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on a rainy and chilly night, dug into a beautiful bottle of red and just chatted about travel adventures, music, family and life on the road. Both Christopher and Ben were great, and I hope to see them both back here soon. Next time, I better be in town to catch one of Ben's shows. And I hope he plays even just a few chords of "Happy Everafter in Your Eyes" or "Waiting for You". And I hope we can enjoy more cocktails and exchange even more travel stories. 

P asked me today what my plans are for this weekend. I said "nada!" His response? "what, you aren't headed to Bali and hanging with rockstars??"  Well, not until next weekend when his friends Jimmy, Adam and Sean from Maroon5 are here! A gal needs some rest. What has my life become?? Thanks P....I appreciate the connections with your extended friend network. And not b/c some are celebrities, but because they are genuinely good people. And this adventure is all about getting to know myself and meeting really cool new friends.

Now, it's time for sleeps....xo

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