Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shyness isn't a virtue?

Though people are often surprised to hear this, I am shy by nature. Really shy. My family knows this about me. Ask any of them about my fear of ordering a pizza! I am the ultimate oxymoron in this way - I live alone, have traveled the world by myself, am independent and successful, AND shy. I was reminded of my ultimate shyness today when my friend Catherine brought up a story whereby we were talking about my relo, and I wondered whether people would like me. I explained that I am naturally shy, and she was shocked!

I have to actively try to step outside of my personal shell. At times, perhaps I can seem aloof, distracted, deep in thought or even (gasp!) bitchy. But I'm usually (but not always) none of those things. I'm just really shy. Who knows why?  Thank goodness I don't mind being alone....after all these years of traveling and living alone, I'm comfortable with it. But part of this adventure is to meet new people, so I am actively trying to strike up conversations & make plans, even with people I don't know well and (eek!) may not end up liking me.

The beauty of this whole thing is that I have been reminded that everyone is interesting in their own unique ways, and all it takes is breaking the ice and asking a few questions to find those things out. I realize other people are as hopeful for acceptance and finding common ground as I am. And that others are as interested as I am in getting to know other friendly, interesting people. I just need to get comfortable letting out the real me, and this adventure is making that easier & easier.
As comfortable as I am in finding a great restaurant, asking for a table of 1 ("it's just there room?), getting out my Nook, ordering a glass of vino and settling in to a great meal, I'm REALLY looking forward to Bali and seeing one of my very very best friends, Christian. My closest friends and family make even the most remote location feel like home. Plus, Christian accepts my shyness but doesn't really let me get away with it, because he knows deep down it's not what I am really about. At least, not all the time. :) He also gives me a lot of shit, but that has nothing to do with my shyness!

Loving the adventure, even the quietest moments.


p.s. And for the record, I miss Fletcher desperately. Still.

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